Philip 17th November 2016

I have known David from a very young age. His parents, were known to mine before I was even born. We lived virtually less than 300 metres away from each other's homes in Colombo Sri Lanka. What comes to my mind of David (of the younger days) is, as a little boy David used visit our place. He was excellent in making kites for flying. They were large kites too and he used to make them for us. There were three of us but just the two of us (my younger brother and I) who would benefit from his gift of kites. Once David came home and it was the Gauva fruiting season. He would climb up to the highest branch of this large tree and hang upside down like a bat and look for the ripe fruit and would eat them in that position too. These are very fond memories that I have of him. Roxy Gardens ( or Roxywatte) and Rudra Park was a place where all the boys gathered to either play cricket or Football. Football was the more popular game and he excelled. After he had left for France and I had moved to London, we did meet up at the Paris Convention in the mid 80's. It was very nice experience to meet up - but now as fellow Christians. We both had experienced the love of Christ after having moved to Europe. The God who started a work in David was well able to complete it - in His time. Praise God.